
Monday, August 26, 2013

Some Random Thoughts for You...

I'm sitting in bed thinking about a ton of random things tonight.....and according to my husband I'm a very random thought kinda I'll share a few since I'm not able to put any complete thoughts together at the moment

- There is almost nothing better than cuddling with your little one on a rainy night....the other night there was a storm that blew through town so crazy and worse than anything I've ever seen and all I could do was cuddle my button (she was a little scared too, which made me sad but I just held onto her even tighter)

- I wish that fast food could just go away for awhile.  Like at least until after my little sister's wedding.  Haha.  Makes it a little tough sometimes when I'm trying to #loseweight

- A topic I'd like to blog about soon is co-sleeping...and maybe I'll hear back from some of you on your views.  We were the couple who said our kid would NEVER sleep with us.....and as I write to you tonight my button is laying sweetly next to me :)

- I would really like to start reading more....does anyone have any good recommendations at the moment?  I was really into audiobooks for awhile there...and that's still reading, right?

I know it's not much.  Better luck next time.... ;)

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