
Thursday, September 5, 2013

One of My Favorite Things

One of the most comforting feelings in the world is knowing that your little one loves to cuddle.  I love waking up in the morning to my Button grabbing my cheek and saying "Mom....Mom....Hi" and she always has the cutest smile on her face too.  Then she wraps her arms around my arm and lays close for a few minutes.  It's such a peaceful of the those that I tuck away into my heart as a memory I'll cherish forever and wish I could put in a box to re-live every day :)  Our little ones definitely know how to make us feel loved.  Always.

Button napping....wrapped around her Daddy's arm :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Truth About Growing Up

"Not everyone will like what you're doing. That's the truth about growing up. Those childhood ideals of having everyone approve of you & support you are lost. But if YOU believe in what you're doing, then nothing else matters."

- from a fellow blogger, Melissa of
Freeing Imperfections 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Some Random Thoughts for You...

I'm sitting in bed thinking about a ton of random things tonight.....and according to my husband I'm a very random thought kinda I'll share a few since I'm not able to put any complete thoughts together at the moment

- There is almost nothing better than cuddling with your little one on a rainy night....the other night there was a storm that blew through town so crazy and worse than anything I've ever seen and all I could do was cuddle my button (she was a little scared too, which made me sad but I just held onto her even tighter)

- I wish that fast food could just go away for awhile.  Like at least until after my little sister's wedding.  Haha.  Makes it a little tough sometimes when I'm trying to #loseweight

- A topic I'd like to blog about soon is co-sleeping...and maybe I'll hear back from some of you on your views.  We were the couple who said our kid would NEVER sleep with us.....and as I write to you tonight my button is laying sweetly next to me :)

- I would really like to start reading more....does anyone have any good recommendations at the moment?  I was really into audiobooks for awhile there...and that's still reading, right?

I know it's not much.  Better luck next time.... ;)

Friday, August 23, 2013

If you could please help me.....I would very much appreciate it

My husband's cousin has entered a contest to win 4000 sq ft of sod for her yard so her kids can finally have grass. Right now they have dirt and her kids are both under the age of 10 and NEED a yard full of grass to play in! I believe in miracles and I know a lot of you do too so please help me help her :)

The following link should go right to the page to vote- her pic is titled "isaiahneedsgrass" and currently she's in 7th place. I believe we can get her to #1! 

You can vote once per day and sometimes from different devices- for sure from different Facebook accounts. Each vote of 5 stars gets her 5 points. Don't forget to share this information with your friends and family or share it on your Facebook page, twitter, anything to help spread the word as much as possible. 


Thank you all so much for helping these kids try and win a well deserved lawn of grass!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hobbies & Helping Hands

One year ago I quit my full time job and was able to focus all of my time and energy on being the best stay-at-home mom I can be (and wife too!). Being a mom is something I've looked forward to for a long time and I'm grateful to be able to do what I do.  Last fall I was reflecting on my hobbies.....or lack there of really and tried to think about what I'm good at or what I love to do- and I've always been a little creative. So I decided to pursue jewelry making- something I have learned is that there is a huge market for jewelry. There are an unlimited amount of people out there who make all kinds of jewelry; for some it's their hobby, a lot are stay at home parents...and a few I've learned have been able to make it their full time job. I've always been a fan of personalized and custom jewelry. A few years back my husband got me a necklace with my daughters name on the front and her birth date on the back.....I LOVED it! So it gave me the idea to start looking into how to do it, what I needed, who I needed to ask for help from- both suppliers and other artists out there who might be willing to teach me or mentor me a little in the best ways to get started. Of the eight to ten people I emailed for help- guess how many were willing to write back more than a single sentence of advice?


She taught me most of everything I've learned. She was just like a teacher- gave me lists of supplies needed, websites for multiple suppliers to use, different links for how-to videos and tutorials on certain processes.......and the list goes on. SHE has made it something she can do full time, something that provides a substantial income for her and her family .....and she's another stay-at-home mom!  It's been inspiring to get to know her and to not feel alone in my learning process. I appreciate that she was willing to help me even though I wanted to do what she does. 

At the end of the day- I want to use my blog to try and inspire and help others to follow their dreams, chase their hobbies, and to know that there are people out there who will help you and offer advice. I don't have any reason to hide what I've learned....and I don't intend to. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How do you write a good Matron of Honor speech?

So my younger sister is getting married next month.....and I'm the Matron of Honor.  Soon into the wedding planning, she asked me if I was in fact going to give a speech and then followed with a comment making it sound like I had no choice....."ugh, a speech?" I thought, sounds like a good time!  After leaving an alterations appointment with her a few weeks ago I asked if she still had her speech from my wedding....
My younger Sister you can see it was an emotional one, she looked at me and said "I think so, why?"  I said, "do you think I could borrow it?" The look she gave me after it clicked was nothing like the one in the picture below :)

Younger Sister, Me

So I've been thinking about this speech. Over and over.  It runs through my head- make sure it's funny, make sure it's heartfelt, make sure you make them cry while trying not to be too much of a gush yourself.  My older sister said to me the other night, "just google #maidofhonorspeech and I'm sure you'll find some great ideas!"  This made me laugh of course but I thought...hmm, what a GREAT idea!   Of course I want to write from my heart and I don't want to steal other speeches- so the was enough help to give me some guidelines.  So tonight I started to write some things down, referencing some conversations my sister and and I have had about her now fiance....and now my once dreaded speech is half finished :)

Younger Sister, Me, Older Sister

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New day, new blog...hope you love it!

Good Morning!  It's a brand new day....with a brand new blog.  I've been wondering for weeks now what my first blog post would be about as I'm sure many bloggers do and then I told myself to just jump right in.  It's not going to be comedy central and it's not going to be perfect...but that is my life, and...I'm happy :)

Kate's Button's of Joy is all about my life, my business and my Joy for both.  There's a few stories behind my blog name; the first and most important to me is my "button", my 2yr old daughter.  Button has been one of her nickname's for most of her 2 years of life- she's so sweet and beautiful and definitely one of my biggest blessings. 
My Button :)
Button also represents my company: Button's Silver Designs- custom and personalized jewelry.  Most of my custom and personalized pieces are necklaces and bracelets made of sterling silver.  I also make leather wrap bracelets and a couple different earring designs.  (Don't worry- I'll show you lots of pictures and talk more about my designs in posts to come). 

Lastly- the other special meaning in my blog name is the word "Joy".  Simple but so powerful- it is the one and only tattoo I have (got when I was 18 as a graduation gift from my older sister) and it's been my favorite word ever since.  I'm sorry but there's no picture of my tattoo- and after having a baby, it doesn't quite look the same- so I won't be taking one.

Now...about me.  I'm a 29 year old, stay-at-home mom, and wife to a truly incredible man that I'm proud to call my Husband.  We've been together for over five years and married for almost three years.  We had a beautiful fall wedding followed by an amazing honeymoon on Vancouver Island (we prefer the cold mountains to the hot beach).  Soon after, we had our beautiful button and have loved every minute of it.  What an adventure it is to be a parent :)  Some of the things I love to do are:  spend time with my family, go for coffee/walk play dates with friends, make jewelry, go camping...and hiking too. 

I'm simple.  I'm honest.  I'm just Kate.