
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Created with Love

Last year I told you that part of my blog name comes from my jewelry business: Button's Silver Designs.  I've shared a little bit already of how that all came to be so
I wanted to share some pictures of some of my favorite pieces and some fun custom orders I made over the holiday season.

If you want to view my shop go to:

Custom Order- Made for a friend of mine in memory of someone close to her

Custom Order- I love the simplicity of this one, plus the letters aren't painted in

Custom Order- Made for a friend of mine for her husband's birthday; they have two daughters, one on each side with birthstones

This is just a simple necklace with an angel wing charm :) LOVE!

Custom Order- Made for my cousin's niece who just had a baby.  This is the front of the disc, below is the back of the disc

Any #BRONCOS fans out there?

This is one of my favorite pieces!  Simple initial on a domed, brushed, rounded corners square

This is also one of my favorites!  The name of this piece is "My Child(ren) Hold(s) the Key to My Heart"

Custom Order- Quote, Initial, Birthstone

Saturday, January 4, 2014

True Friendship

 I want to get this off my brain because it's been almost a year since I've heard from and spoken to this one friend.  She was one of my best friends. We'd been friends for over 10 years.  I see this quote a lot on Pinterest and every time I read it, it bums me out.  I've never been more sad about losing a friend before...but I believe that if someone doesn't want to be in your life anymore, even without explanation, then sometimes you just have to let them go.  If God intended for them to be a forever kind of friend then He'll be the one to bring them back into your life. 

It's taken me a year to truly be at peace with her unknown decision to be in my life anymore.  Though it will always make me sad....I have to pray and just let it be.


Believe It. 

2014 Fresh Start

Happy 2014 Everyone :)

I don't do resolutions.  But I do believe in a fresh start.

I'm going to be better about my blog this year.  I believe in myself and I believe I have something to offer.  Might not be much...might not reach a ton of people...
but one is all it takes.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

One of My Favorite Things

One of the most comforting feelings in the world is knowing that your little one loves to cuddle.  I love waking up in the morning to my Button grabbing my cheek and saying "Mom....Mom....Hi" and she always has the cutest smile on her face too.  Then she wraps her arms around my arm and lays close for a few minutes.  It's such a peaceful of the those that I tuck away into my heart as a memory I'll cherish forever and wish I could put in a box to re-live every day :)  Our little ones definitely know how to make us feel loved.  Always.

Button napping....wrapped around her Daddy's arm :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Truth About Growing Up

"Not everyone will like what you're doing. That's the truth about growing up. Those childhood ideals of having everyone approve of you & support you are lost. But if YOU believe in what you're doing, then nothing else matters."

- from a fellow blogger, Melissa of
Freeing Imperfections 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Some Random Thoughts for You...

I'm sitting in bed thinking about a ton of random things tonight.....and according to my husband I'm a very random thought kinda I'll share a few since I'm not able to put any complete thoughts together at the moment

- There is almost nothing better than cuddling with your little one on a rainy night....the other night there was a storm that blew through town so crazy and worse than anything I've ever seen and all I could do was cuddle my button (she was a little scared too, which made me sad but I just held onto her even tighter)

- I wish that fast food could just go away for awhile.  Like at least until after my little sister's wedding.  Haha.  Makes it a little tough sometimes when I'm trying to #loseweight

- A topic I'd like to blog about soon is co-sleeping...and maybe I'll hear back from some of you on your views.  We were the couple who said our kid would NEVER sleep with us.....and as I write to you tonight my button is laying sweetly next to me :)

- I would really like to start reading more....does anyone have any good recommendations at the moment?  I was really into audiobooks for awhile there...and that's still reading, right?

I know it's not much.  Better luck next time.... ;)